Child Support Does Not Have To Be A Legal Battle

For any person that has ever gone through a divorce or separation, it is not an easy process. It is quite difficult for the parents, but even more so for the children. The child goes from having a set of two perfectly happy parents to having her world torn apart. She now has to spend her time between parents instead of having them together. It may be inevitable at times, and it is good to ensure that when the time comes, the fight for child support doesn’t have to be a legal battle.

Fairy tales offer a child-sized window into the world

For the renowned child psychologist Bettelheim, fairy tales create a unique way for children to comprehend and come to terms with their inner emotions and the existential question of life. For generations, children have grown up on the tales of Cinderella, Snow White and the Seven Dwarfs, Hansel and Gretel and numerous other beloved fairy tale characters. However, with an increasing number of parents turning away from this rich literary seam, a new generation are at risk of being left in ignorance of this legacy.

Does our education system neglect the importance of the imagination?

Without imagination innovation would not occur, it describes the capacity to consider what could be beyond a quantitative reality. To be imaginative requires a mind that is adaptable, lithe in its thought processes and open to suggestion, this is why Charles Darwin described imagination as being imperative to invention and progress.

Ways To Effectively Stop The Bullying Of Your Child

Professionals are finally becoming aware of the affects of bullying on children. Recently, there have been incidents of children killing themselves because they are being bullied. The computer is now in the forefront, with a whole new ground for bullies to prowl around. Thankfully, as parents we can make a difference when it comes to our children being bullied; as we will show you later on.

Simple Ways to Increase Your Effectiveness as a Parent

Yes, parenting can be quite difficult when we are young, first time parents and do not quite know what we are doing. While it can be filled with stress and anxiety, it is only much later that we reflect and can manage to laugh at those hard times. In some instances, however, children can’t forgive their parents for certain actions or behavior and when they become adults it’s difficult to repair the damage.

Parenting Abilities That Can Make You A Better Mom Or Dad

There aren’t many who would claim that parenting is simple but, as with most things, there are skills that you can cultivate that will help you be better at it. It is really easy to think that you’re making solid parenting decisions when everything is going really well. If you’re running into difficulties, however, you may need to work on some of your parenting skills.