If you are not having the kind of success with texting girls that you would like, it’s probably because you are breaking one or more of these rules. In this article, you’re going to find out what these mysterious rules for texting girls are and why it’s so important that you follow them. They might sound counter intuitive and maybe even crazy, but trust me, if you follow every one of them to a tee, you’ll have more girls in your bed then you’ll know what to do with.

Alright, here we go.

Texting Girls Rule #1: Wait For A Respond Before You Keep Texting Her

This is a very common mistake but it is easily corrected.

Most of the time a guy will get really into a girl he just met and start texting her all the time. The worse part is sometime when she doesn’t text him back right away, he will continue to send her more messages.

He thinks this is helping keep her engage but what it’s really doing is making himself look needy and desperate. This is of course a big turn off for women.

You are simply shifting all the power of the interaction over to her. Now she gets to decide if she wants to respond to you or not.

Texting Girls Rule #2: Take Just As Long To Respond To Her As She Takes To Resond To You

This texting girls rule ties in with the last one. You should match a girl’s respond time to your texts. So if it takes her around 10 minutes to text you back, you should wait around the same amount of time (or more).

If a girl takes 15 – 20 minutes to respond to each of your text, yet you reply to hers the second that you get them, how do you think that is going to look in her eyes?

That’s right! It makes you look like a needy dude who has nothing better to do then sit around waiting for her to text you back. Again, this is a turn off for women.

Alright, that’s all the rules that I’m going to cover in this article. There are more, but you should work on applying these rules to your dating life first. Just follow these flirting advice and you’ll know exactly what to text a girl you like.

Now all you have to do is go to my personal blog at texting girls and take advantage of all the informative articles I have over there. Go here: howtoflirtwithagirlovertext.org/flirting-tips/texting-girls-4-unorthodox-rules-for-success-when-texting-girls.