Ways To Be Supportive During A Death In The Family
Family members can find the death of a loved one very painful and hard. The death of a person can influence a lot of decisions in the family.
A Collaborative Divorce Helps Couples Cope With The Stress Of Divorce
When couples decide to end their marriage, the prospect of going through divorce can seem unbearable. Demanding letters from solicitors, acrimonious courtroom scenes, battles over the custody of children; the image of the divorce process is hardly a favourable one.
Pheromones And Attraction
The game of a attraction includes three steps. To begin with there is the mental attraction. Next you have to be visually attract them, and lastly you have to physically attract them – this is where pheromones may help.
Why Do Women Love Bad Boys?
We’ve all heard the sayings “nice guys finish last” and “women prefer to be with jerks.” There is convincing evidence that in some cases this might be true. The reality is that basic needs are often met by the notorious “bad boys” that “nice guys” may be sometimes hesitant to deliver.